Pervasive petrocultures: histories, ideas and practices of fossil fuels
Ce numéro spécial est consacré au concept de pétroculture et à sa relation avec l’histoire de l’énergie et les sciences humaines de l’énergie.
Ce numéro spécial est consacré au concept de pétroculture et à sa relation avec l’histoire de l’énergie et les sciences humaines de l’énergie.
Based on the assumption that the periodical press was crucial for synchronising the world and preparing for global energy transition in the early 20th C., the article proposes a historiography of oil that acknowledges newspapers’ excess capacity as research material and takes advantage of analyti
In the postwar years, petroleum products pervaded more and more aspects of Western European life.
This paper explores the use of electricity in 20th-century British farming, as captured in the agricultural press, advisory literature, films and specialist publications intended for the farming community.
The arrival of widespread domestic electricity in rural Ireland was spread over two decades in the 1950s and 1960s, where the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) rolled out an electrical grid across the State.
Ce dossier vise à fournir des compréhensions nuancées et à plusieurs niveaux des choix historiques et des perceptions concernant l’approvisionnement et les technologies électriques, en prenant en considération divers gro
William M. Cavert, The Smoke of London. Energy and Environment in the Early Modern City (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Between 1939 and 1944, the City of Reykjavík in Iceland built a geothermal district heating utility that enabled the inhabitants to transition from coal to geothermal heating.
L’accès à des services énergétiques propres et abordables est une préoccupation mondiale, comme le stipulent les conventions internationales. Au sein des ménages, il est possible d’identifier des intérêts et des besoins énergétiques distincts entre hommes et femmes.
Ruth W. Sandwell (ed.), Powering Up Canada: A History of Power, Fuel, and Energy from 1600 (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016).