Quality control

As an academic journal, JEHRHE devotes a great deal of attention to peer review. Articles are typically submitted to two reviewers for the Special issue and Varia sections, and one reviewer for all other sections (except the Book review section, under the responsibility of the management board). Reviewers are always external to the management board and anonymous. Articles proposed spontaneously under the standing open call (Varia) are subject to a preliminary desk exam by the management board, with a view to rejection or acceptance of the proposal (with possible requests for modifications prior to the launch of the peer review process).
JEHRHE does everything it can to ensure an anonymous conversation between authors and reviewers (double blind review). In cases of disagreement between reviewers regarding the publication of an article, the management board may ask for another reviewer before collegially making the decision. The evaluation form they are asked to complete can be found below.

Members of the editorial board and reviewers are asked to recuse themselves in the event of a conflict of interest with one of the authors or with the content of the manuscript to be reviewed.