Love and care in 2021: Women-led community activism towards oil refining on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
From 1966 to 2012, oil companies operated a massive refinery on the Island of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands (USVI).
From 1966 to 2012, oil companies operated a massive refinery on the Island of St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands (USVI).
The oil and gas industry is generally imagined as a prototypical ‘men’s world’, with the multifaceted work women have performed largely invisible. This is being rectified by growing research on women workers in the industry.
The Iranian oil nationalisation crisis, which ended in the coup that overthrew nationalist prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, is well known.
The arrival of widespread domestic electricity in rural Ireland was spread over two decades in the 1950s and 1960s, where the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) rolled out an electrical grid across the State.
This article examines the early twentieth-century oil workforce in the Mid-Continent petroleum region of the United States, focusing on the centrality of white supremacy within the oil industry.
Diana J. Montaño, Electrifying Mexico: Technology and the Transformation of a Modern City (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2021)
En croisant deux historiographies qui, à quelques exceptions près, s’étaient un peu ignorées – celles de l’histoire du genre et de l’histoire de l’énergie -, cet article introductif au numéro spécial « Foyers.
Dans les pays développés, l’électrification des foyers a été une étape de la modernisation, aboutissant dès le début des années 1930 à une présence de l’électricité dans tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne.
By the 1870s the gas industry had no competitors for lighting, turning it into a near monopoly. However, by the 1880s the possibility of using electricity for street lighting changed the equation and the threat for gas industry was huge.
L’accès à des services énergétiques propres et abordables est une préoccupation mondiale, comme le stipulent les conventions internationales. Au sein des ménages, il est possible d’identifier des intérêts et des besoins énergétiques distincts entre hommes et femmes.