Stains of Empire: accumulation by contamination in the Gulf
La découverte du pétrole au Moyen-Orient a contribué à l’éclosion et à l’enrichissement massif du complexe militaro-industriel.
La découverte du pétrole au Moyen-Orient a contribué à l’éclosion et à l’enrichissement massif du complexe militaro-industriel.
Dans ce numéro spécial, nous réfléchissons aux relations entre systèmes énergétiques et impérialisme à travers différents prismes : le rôle du pétrole dans les relations internationales ; l'économie mondiale et le monde postcolonial ; les déchets créés par l'industrie pétrolière ; les relations e
In the wake of a recent literature in international banking and financial history focused on the role of western commercial banks in placing the OPEC nations' assets with international borrowers, this article examines the role of leading Wall Street American banks in reflowing the investments of
Modern imperialism springs from the interaction of the geopolitical and economic logics. The international oil industry offers an ideal case study of this connection. The links between nation states and multinational oil companies have been close and mutually advantageous.
Petrodollars – the dollars accumulated by oil-producing countries as revenues for oil exports – are usually considered key to our understanding of the renewal and transformation of US power during the 1970s.
While energy use has appeared historically consequent for most of human history, it now seems energy non-use may determine our future. It is clear that the worst effects of climate change can only be averted if vast quantities of fossil fuels go unburnt.
This paper traces the history of oil being reined in by the British Raj, from the 1870s to the early 20th C. I argue that oil is not a self-evident object, but a category built by regimes of thought.
After four years of preparations, in the summer of 1981 Nairobi hosted the United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy.
La conception de la transition énergétique invite à réviser le développement de chaque source d'énergie. Il en va ainsi de l'énergie gazière qui a connu au moins trois transitions dans sa longue durée.